DATE 2018-12-28

December 20, Thursday
Japan is a primordially Buddhist and Shintoist country, that’s why the celebration of Christmas es different from Christian countries like Peru. This doesn’t mean that Japan hasn’t adapted some “occidental” customs, such as Christmas illuminations and decorations.
The past Thursday, we visited some of these illuminations located around Iwaki.
Our first stop was Iwaki Wonder Farm, which we have previously wrote about. In this place the decorations were divided in four stations or areas. These years themes were Christmas, Snow, Tomatoe’s field and a decoration for couples. It’s important to note that the celebration of Christmas in Japan is focused mainly in couples and New Year’s in the family, this being completely the opposite as how it’s celebrated in Peru.
After taking some pictures and visiting the products shop we departed to our next destination, the Station of Yotsukura.
In this place, the theme of the illuminations were different from Iwaki Wonder Farm. We could find a Pyramidal like structure and tiny paper lamps sketched by students of the local school.
It’s really difficult being far away from home, but in some way it’s comforting to be able to enjoy some traditional customs which don’t have frontiers.